- Regulated
The restrictions for Items classified as regulated are on a per transaction basis. Restricted items are sometimes acceptable, depending on volume, material or type, composition/contents, or on packaging.
List of Regulated Items via Air
Note that these are considered non-regulated items via land or sea:
- Alcoholic beverages are acceptable but only those with an alcohol content of up to 70%.
- a. Perfume is acceptable but only up to (1) One Liter per transactions. Several bottles are allowed as long as it will not exceed the maximum (1) One Liter per transaction.
- b. Knives, kitchen, and construction tools with sharp edges (i.e. Chisel, rasps, hand saw), and other sharp objects that may be used as deadly weapons are acceptable as long as it is in the original packaging or use proper packaging material that will cover all the sharp edges.
- c. Fertilizers and powder toners require a Material Safety Data Sheet (“MSDS”), a detailed information bulletin prepared by the manufacturer or importer of a chemical that describes the physical and chemical properties, physical and health hazards, routes of exposure, precautions for safe handling and use, emergency and first-aid procedures. However, even if You are able to provide the said document, the items are subject for airlines verification, and might be subject for delay or cancellation of order.
- d. Original, personal, blank or company CD/DVD/VCD are acceptable with the total maximum quantity of Php10,000.00 per transaction only, and should be properly declared in the point of sale document, waybill, or shipment documentation.
- Prohibited Items
- Prohibited Items via Air but acceptable via Land and or Sea
These items are prohibited via air for these routes only: NCR to VISMIN & PALAWAN, LUZON to VISMIN & PALAWAN, and VISMIN & PALAWAN to LUZON. See the list as follows:- i. All pressurized items
- ii. Solar Panel
- iii. Cement
- iv. Appliances with Fumes (i.e. Air Conditioner, Refrigerator)
- v. Power banks
- vi. Hoverboards and other similar self-balancing vehicles (said to run using a high-powered lithium-ion batteries)
- vii. Emergency Lights/Rechargeable Lamps, UPS
- viii. Spare/recalled batteries and shipping batteries alone are not allowed (Lithium Ion or Lithium Metal)
- ix. Grocery Items that are identified to have corrosive components:
- x. Salt
- xi. Body or Baby Oil
- xii. Anything in aerosol form (i.e. Air freshener)
- xiii. Fake/Pirated DVDs, VCDs and CDs
- xiv. Alarm Devices (gas or battery powered)
- xv. Crude Oil
- xvi. Cigarette Lighters
- xvii. Brake Fluid
- xviii. Gasoline
- xix. Liquid Chemicals
- xx. Liquid Nitrogen
- xxi. Hair Coloring
- xxii. Kerosene
- xxiii. Motor Oil
- xxiv. Acids
- xxv. Bleach
- xxvi. Poisonous Liquids
- xxvii. Paint (house paint, tinting paint, spray paints, all kinds of Oil-based paint)
- xxviii. Toy guns
- xxix. Used/recalled/reconditioned/secondhand motorized parts or engines of automobiles or motorcycles
- xxx. Used/recalled/reconditioned/secondhand generators
- a. Dangerous Items That Can Be Shipped via Roro
DG (TO FORWARD VIA LAND) – automatic RTS if bound to PPS. Dangerous Goods bound to Palawan – outright return or rider should refuse to accept.- i. Acetal
- ii. Acetyl Chloride
- iii. Acetic Acid
- iv. Acetone
- v. Acetylene
- vi. Acid
- vii. Acridine
- viii. Acrolein
- ix. Acrylonitrile
- x. Acrylic Acid
- xi. Adhesive
- xii. Adhesive Products(containing flammable liquid)
- xiii. Aerosol Cans (e.g. hairspray)
- xiv. Aerosols
- xv. Air Bag modules (car)
- xvi. Alarm Devices(gas or battery powered)
- xvii. Alcohol
- xviii. Alcohol (not more than 5 liters)
- xix. Alcohol (not more than 70% alcohol by volume)
- xxi. Alkali
- xxii. Alkaline
- xxiii. Allyl
- xxiv. Aluminum Alkyl Halides
- xxv. Aluminum Borohydride
- xxvi. Aluminum Powder
- xxvii. Ammonia
- xxviii. Ammonia Powder
- xxix. Ammonia Products
- xxx. Ammonium Nitrate
- xxxi. Anti-Freeze
- xxxii. Any items, the AIR transport of which is prohibited by law, regulation or statute of the National or Local
- xxxiii. Government.
- xxxiv. Appliances(containing batteries)
- xxxv. Asbestos
- xxxvi. Azodicarbonamide
- xxxvii. Barium
- xxxviii. Barium Azide
- xxxix. Barometers
- xl. Batteries (e.g. car or wet)
- xli. Batteries (wet cell)
- xlii. Batteries(contained in any appliance and toys)
- xliii. Battery Fluid
- xliv. Battery operated gadget or appliance
- xlv. Benzene
- xlvi. Bleach
- xlvii. Brake Fluid
- xlviii. Bromine
- xlix. Bromoacetone
- l. Bullet Proof Vests
- li. Butane
- lii. Butyl
- liii. Calcium Dithionite (Calcium Hydrosulphite)
- liv. Calcium or Calcium Alloy
- lv. Camphor
- lvi. Caps For Starting Guns
- lvii. Caps For Toy Guns
- lviii. Carbon
- lix. Carbon Paper
- lx. Caustic Soda
- lxii. Charcoal
- lxiii. Charges (propellant)
- lxiv. Charges (propellants)
- lxv. Chemicals
- lxvi. Chlorates
- lxvii. Chlorine
- lxviii. Chloro Sulphonic Acid
- lxix. Chloroacetone
- lxx. Chloroform
- lxxi. Chloropicrin
- lxxii. Chloroform
- lxxiii. Cigarette Lighters
- lxxv. Cleaning substance (liquid or powder)
- lxxvi. Coal
- lxxvii. Coal (hard or powdered)
- lxxviii. Coal Tar
- lxxix. Compressed Flammable (Butane, Liquid Nitrogen, Highly Pressurized
- Oxygen, LPG, Ethanol, Gasoline)
- lxxx. Compressed Gas (Ex. Oxygen Tanks, Hair Sprays)
- lxxxi. Corrosive Materials (Acids, Alkaline, Mercury, Wet cells Batteries)
- lxxxii. Cyanide
- lxxxiii. De – icing fluids
- lxxxiv. De-icing fluids
- lxxxv. Decaborane
- lxxxvi. Deiththylamine
- lxxxvii. Deodorant (aerosols)
- lxxxviii. Disinfectants
- lxxxix. Disinfectants
- xc. Drugs (unless in prescription quantities)
- xci. Dry Ice
- xcii. DVD’s, VCD’s and CD’s (MORE THAN 5 PIECES)
- xciii. Dyes (powder or liquid)
- xciv. Electronic Items
- xcv. Epoxy
- xcvi. Essential Oils(e.g. eucalyptus, tea tree)
- xcvii. Ethyl Acetate
- xcviii. Ethyl Methyl Ether
- xcix. Epoxy (in any form)
- c. Ferric Arsenate
- ci. Fertilizers
- cii. Fiberglass Repair Kits
- ciii. Fire Extinguishers
- civ. Flammable Liquid (Plants and Thinner, Light Fuels, Matches, Fire
- lighters)
- cv. Flares (smoke signals)
- cvi. Flint Lighters
- cvii. Formaldehyde
- cviii. Formaldehyde
- cix. Gas (e.g. propane, butane, hydrogen, helium)
- cx. Gas Cylinders (e.g. camping gas)
- cxi. Gasoline
- cxii. Generators(fuel powered)
- cxiii. Glue (e.g. flammable, quick drying)
- cxiv. Gun Replicas
- cxv. Hair Coloring / Bleaches
- cxvi. Hairspray (aerosol)
- cxvii. Hexanes
- cxviii. Human Remains (including ashes)
- cxix. Hydrogen
- cxx. Hydrogen Chloride, Refrigerated Liquid
- cxxi. Ice (wet or dry)
- cxxii. Igniters
- cxxiii. Indecent Goods
- cxxiv. Infectious Substances (are expected to contain pathogens. Pathogens
- are defined as micro-organisms –
- cxxv. including bacteria, viruses, rickettsia, parasites, fungi)
- cxxvi. Ink
- cxxvii. Insecticides
- cxxviii. Isopropyl
- cxxix. Jewelries
- cxxx. Kerosene
- cxxxi. Knife (should be properly packed, with casing and outer packaging)
- cxxxii. Labels/Stickers for CD’s/DVD’s
- cxxxiii. Laundry Detergents
- cxxxiv. Lead Arsenites
- cxxxv. Lighter Fluid
- cxxxvi. Lighter fluids
- cxxxvii. Lighter Gun Replicas
- cxxxviii. Liquid Nitrogen
- cxxxix. Liquified fluid
- cxl. Lithium
- cxli. Lithium Batteries
- cxlii. Magnesium
- cxliii. Magnesium Diamide
- cxliv. Magnetic Material (Magnesium Powder)
- cxlv. Magnets
- cxlvi. Maneb or Maneb Preparation
- cxlvii. Manganese
- cxlviii. Matches
- cxlix. Medical or clinical wastes
- cl. Medical Samples (biological specimens, blood, urine, fluids, tissue
- samples, etc.)
- cli. Mercury
- clii. Methane
- cliii. Money (coins, currency, paper money, and negotiable instruments
- equivalent to cash such as endorsed stocks,
- cliv. bonds and letters
- clv. Motor Fuels
- clvi. Motor Spirits
- clvii. Munitions of War
- clviii. Nail Polish
- clix. Nail Polish Remover
- clx. Naphthalene
- clxi. Nickel Carbonyl
- clxii. Nicotine
- clxiii. Nicotine (compound or prap)
- clxiv. Nitric Acid
- clxv. Nitric Acid
- clxvi. Octane
- clxvii. Organic Pesticides
- clxviii. Oven Cleaners (which include caustic soda)
- clxix. Oxidizing materials (Bleaching powder, peroxides)
- clxx. Oxygen (liquified)
- clxxi. Oxygen Cylinders
- clxxii. P-Nitrosodimethylaniline
- clxxiii. Paint (any kind)
- clxxiv. Paints
- clxxv. Patient Specimens
- clxxvi. Pentaborane
- clxxvii. Pentaerythritol
- clxxviii. Perfume
- clxxix. Perfumery Products (with flammable solutions)
- clxxx. Perfumery Products with flammable solvents
- clxxxi. Perfumes
- clxxxii. Peroxides
- clxxxiii. Pesticides
- clxxxiv. Petroleum oil or base
- clxxxv. Petroleum, oil or base
- clxxxvi. Phosphorus
- clxxxvii. Phosphorus liquids
- clxxxviii. Pine oil
- clxxxix. Pirated and Blank CD’s, DVD’s and the like
- cxc. Pirated CD’s (CD sticker labels)
- cxci. Plastic Solvent
- cxcii. Poisonous and infectious substance (pesticides, insecticides, weed
- killers, live virus materials)
- cxciii. Poisonous Liquids
- cxciv. Poisons(e.g. cyanide, lead, arsenic)
- cxcv. Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Liquid or Polyhalogenated Terphenyls, Liquid
- or Solid
- cxcvi. Polyester Resin Kits
- cxcvii. Potassium
- cxcviii. Potassium Dithionite (Potassium Hydrosulphite)
- cxcix. Primers
- cc. Projectiles
- cci. Propane
- ccii. Pyrophoric (Solid) Metal, Pyrophoric Alloy
- cciii. Pyrophoric Liquid
- cciv. Pyrophoric
- ccv. Pyrophoric or Calcium Alloys
- ccvi. Rags, Oily
- ccvii. Reloading Machine for Ammunitions
- ccviii. Resin Oil
- ccix. Shock Absorbers (gas or compressed air)
- ccx. Signals, Distress
- ccxi. Signals, Smoke
- ccxii. Sodium (Sodium Dithionite, Sodium Hydrosulphite)
- ccxiii. Sodium Chlorite
- ccxiv. Solvents
- ccxv. Sulphur Molten
- ccxvi. Sulphuric Acid
- ccxvii. Swimming Pool Chemicals
- ccxviii. Tea Tree Oil
- b. Prohibited for All Modes of Transfers
These items are not acceptable via Land, Air, or Sea. See the list as follows:- i. Any item that may cause damage or delay to other shipments, to personnel or instruments
- ii. Corrosive materials (I.e. Wet cellular phone/car batteries, mercury, acids, battery fluids)
- iii. Infectious substances (I.e. Insecticides, live virus materials)
- iv. Hazardous materials
- v. Explosive material (I.e. Gun powders, acetone, aerosols, butane, insecticide gases)
- vi. Flammable liquid
- vii. Illegal goods (I.e. Narcotics, including Marijuana)
- viii. Animals/insects (dead or alive)
- ix. Firearms and ammunition
- x. Human corpses/Carcasses (dead species)
- xi. Human remains, including ashes
- xii. Body parts and blood are considered dangerous goods
- xiii. Jewelry or bullions of precious metals
- xiv. Lottery or gambling devices (I.e. Casino chips)
- xv. Any unidentified liquid (no labels)
- xvi. Anything with these labels or dangerous goods
- xvii. Adjustable Eyeglasses that allows users to modify the prescription of
- their glasses
- xviii. Antennas that claim to provide clear TV reception, high definition TV
- (HDTV) reception, and or cable channels
- xix. Dental veneers (fake teeth)
- xx. Bank bills, note or currency
- xxi. Bullion, gold, precious stones
- xxii. Chlorine trifluoride (highly flammable)
- xxiii. Fireworks (sparklers, crackers, skyrockets)
- xxiv. Hazardous waste
- xxv. Lottery ticket
- xxvi. Pornographic materials
- xxvii. Radioactive material/substances
- Prohibited Items via Air but acceptable via Land and or Sea
- If at any time we find that you have violated this Policy, We may:
- a. Exercise Our right to dispose of or return the item You have shipped as we see fit;
- b. Temporarily deactivate your Account(s) and disbursal for two (2) weeks or permanently deactivate your Account(s), at Our discretion;
- c. Charge damages arising out of shipping dangerous and illegal goods against your remaining disbursal; and/or
- d. File civil, criminal, and administrative cases against you, as we may see fit.
- You warrant and undertake that (i) all Items offered by You are compliant with all applicable laws, regulations, standards, and rules regarding the provision of the same including rules and guidelines concerning health and consumer safety, food packaging and accessory items (including but not limited to foodware, plasticware, and other disposable food and restaurant supplies), and sanitation; You will explicitly disclose common allergens in any of Your Items; and (iii) the Items are appropriately and safely packaged in containers suitable for the nature of the Item.
- Should an Item be deemed by Us (based on Our sole discretion) to be packaged inappropriately, We reserve the right (but not the obligation) to (i) refuse to fulfill the order; (ii) open and inspect the Item or Package; (iii) repackage the Item; (iv) forward the Item to law enforcement agencies or other government offices; and/or (v) dispose or destroy the Item. Should We exercise any of Our rights under this Section, We shall not be responsible for any loss or damage that may be suffered by You.
- For avoidance of doubt, terms under Annex 4 Cargo Restrictions, Prohibited Items, and Packaging Policy supersedes Annex 3 Product Quality Policy